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Wide Awake Songs: A Choice Collection of Sacred Songs Especially Adapted for Times of Revival and Refreshing, Selected and Used by Rev. Geo. W. Willis, in His Evangelistic Work

MLA citation style

Willis, George W., 1864–1934. Wide Awake Songs: A Choice Collection of Sacred Songs Especially Adapted for Times of Revival and Refreshing, Selected and Used by Rev. Geo. W. Willis, In His Evangelistic Work. Evangelical Association Publishing House. 1892. Retrieved from the Atla Digital Library,

APA citation style

Willis, 1. (1892). Wide Awake Songs: A Choice Collection of Sacred Songs Especially Adapted for Times of Revival and Refreshing, Selected and Used by Rev. Geo. W. Willis, in His Evangelistic Work. Retrieved from the Atla Digital Library,

Chicago citation style

Willis, George W., 1864–1934. Wide Awake Songs: A Choice Collection of Sacred Songs Especially Adapted for Times of Revival and Refreshing, Selected and Used by Rev. Geo. W. Willis, In His Evangelistic Work. Evangelical Association Publishing House. 1892. Retrieved from the Atla Digital Library,

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Contributing Institution
  • This gospel volume includes late nineteenth-century selections that accompanied the invitations issued by George W. Willis (1864–1934), a Quaker evangelist who preached at revivals alongside his wife, sought-after temperance lecturer Genevieve Kinsel Willis (1864–1940). Kinsel Willis later earned her Doctor of Music before joining the faculty of the West Side Musical College in Cleveland, Ohio, where the Willis family made its home. Wide Awake Songs features primarily older gospel songs that would have been familiar to Willis’s revival audiences. The volume was issued by the Evangelical Association of North America, a predominantly German-speaking body of Arminian Christians. This partnership with a non-Quaker publisher prefigured Willis’s official defection from the Society of Friends to the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1907.
  • 20 x 14 cm
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